Art Vacancy: Downtown at Nook and Nest in Ames, IA
A portion of the body of work on display was created throughout the last few months and includes series’ entitled: Oppression and Freedom, The Pandemic Series and Healing Landscapes. The incorporation of techniques and materials that Alicia hasn’t used before have helped her push new boundaries in order to help bring light to and restore so much brokenness around us.
When purchasing any of the work within the "Oppression and Freedom" series, 50% of the proceeds will be used to support Iowa BIPOC artists either through direct donations to an individual artist or organization or to purchase artwork created by BIPOC artists.
Art Vacancy: Downtown is promoted by @amesc.art and is pleased as punched to be partnering to support #localartists and #localbusinesses through Art Vacancy!
“Art Vacancy” is a 2-month long exhibition, July 15 - September 15, 2020. The project supports local artists and consists of art installations in the windows of local businesses.
Come see art responsibly, socially distanced and allow yourself to be moved and inspired!
@amesc.art is the hub! To see Art Vacancy artists and businesses (plus other art projects happening downtown) check out the Art Map Ames!
Special thanks to the @iowaartscouncil who supported Art Vacancy with a 2020 Art Project Grant!
#artvacancy #artmapames #downtownames #iacgrantee #iowaartist
#covidartoutdoors #walkingtour #amesiowa #mainstreetiowa